LSAT Quiz Bowl (Free Food! Win Cookies!)
What? Columbia Pre-Law Society LSAT Quiz Bowl
When? Thursday, February 5th, 8-9.30pm
Where? Hamilton 301
Perks? $300 discount off Blueprint LSAT Prep Courses + FREE FOOD
Join the Pre-Law Society for a night of friendly competition and LSAT strategies! Blueprint LSAT instructor Jason Ethridge will host as teams work through different LSAT questions. The winning team will receive some great prizes (such as Insomnia Cookies!) and all will learn some skills to attack LSAT questions. This is a great event for students with a lot of experience to get practice, and for those with no experience to become familiar with what the LSAT tests. All students are welcome, and free food and LSAT prep discounts will be provided!
How it'll work: In teams of three, you will be led through a series of questions taken from several real past LSAT exams in the Logical Reasoning and Logic Games sections. Work with your teammates to get through the questions as quickly as you can, but with the right answer! Open for beginners and advanced students -- come as you are and prepare to have some helpful fun! (**You don't have to come in a team -- we can match you up once you arrive.)